
Ministry continues!

Posted on: July 29th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Despite the many pandemic lockdowns, ministry at Trillium goes on. Another beautiful Lap Robe finished for the Trillium Lutheran Knitting Circle! Thank you to all the knitters for this wonderful ministry.

Good Earth Garden Volunteer Retires

Posted on: July 20th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church
Pastor Elina and Vera visiting Vera’s plot at the Good Earth Garden.

Last week, Pastor Elina visited with Vera Thomas to thank her for 12 years of volunteer ministry as Field Coordinator of the Good Earth Garden.

Vera has been an integral part of the Good Earth Garden and her many contributions will always be valued.

She is a wealth of knowledge with a true passion for gardening as shown by her garden plot which always sparks awe and inspiration in fellow gardeners. Now, she will have more time to focus on her joy of gardening. 

Puppet pops up at Trillium office

Posted on: July 7th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

What a surprise to have Otter the puppet visit the church office! Our office administrator was delighted to have a visitor and hear a Bible story. Otter’s visit and story will be part of an upcoming Sunday service.

One never knows where a puppet might show up next or what words of wisdom it might have to share!

Climate Justice

Posted on: July 2nd, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Did you notice? The banner for Climate Justice has moved to a more permanent home up on the wall. 

Taking leadership in the climate crisis is a critical way that we as a church can live out our faith.  On Earth Day 2021, Trillium Lutheran Church joined 9 other local faith organizations in displaying a banner calling on our community to “Act Now” in the face of climate change.  This is just a beginning. Stay tuned to learn more about what the church community is doing for Climate Justice.

Senseless Vandalism

Posted on: June 25th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

In case you heard about the damage to Trillium’s front door on June 18, it was not extensive. A small window was broken and has been repaired.  Our thanks to good neighbours, who alerted the police!  And to our window repairer who covered the hole with plywood until it can be fixed properly. All are welcome and loved!

Happy Pride

Posted on: June 17th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

What a wonderful night this week when young people painted the sidewalk and steps to our church building entrance in pride colours. Neighbours from the high rise next door were on their porch above cheering our cheering. Others walked over and said how welcomed they felt.​ Members came to show their support. The love we shared gives us hope for ourselves, our church community, and our world. The kingdom of God is near. Come and see, Jesus is still saying!

Puppets join worship at Trillium

Posted on: June 9th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

The journey begins with writing the puppet skit and asking which puppet would be interested in helping us each week. Then decisions are made about location and angle that work with the story.

After the filming, AV techs Larry and Alex adjust the voice, light, and all kinds of technical things behind the scene. 

Come and see each Sunday morning at 10am! Thanks be to God!

For this video Beaver was quite pleased that the topic was – finally – water and he could participate in his own element! And what a wonderful job he did, too! (This video will be a part of the worship on June 20th.)

Who is learning?

Posted on: June 4th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church
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Get ready for something new!

We are excited to announce our first-ever “unlearn Sunday”.  Pastor Elina will gather us together in prayer on Sunday, June 6th at 10am.  Following this, most of our worship time will be devoted to a discussion with guest facilitators from unlearn, a local design-focused equity education organization. We wanted to include the whole congregation in this opportunity, so we are thrilled to host unlearn guests at our normal Sunday morning time.  Please join us as we learn, grow, and explore together. Zoom information available from church office.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is Coming

Posted on: May 28th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Families are invited to register for Bridges VBS, which will be offering free activity kits and daily videos July 5th through 9th.  Started in 2017, Bridges VBS is a collaborative area-wide Vacation Bible School with ELCIC Lutheran churches participating from around Waterloo Region. Check out for details.  Register for free by June 6th to receive your home activity kit!

Ministry never stopped

Posted on: May 27th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church
Little Food Pantry

The church building may be closed right now, but our ministry has never stopped. We continue to find ways to meet our neighbours’ needs. Thank you to the creators of our new Little Free Pantry, which is now in front of 22 Willow!

Begun last year using one of the Little Libraries, the new pantry is a larger, dedicated structure. Written on the front are the words, “Take what you need. Leave what you are able”. All are welcome to take what they need and as space permits, donated items may be left in the pantry. Non-perishable foods (tinned soups, beans, fruits, vegetables, pastas, sauces) and personal hygiene products (no razors) are all welcome. Monetary contributions are also welcome. An on-line donation or cheque made payable to Trillium with “LF Pantry” on the reference line will provide funds for purchases for this project. We are grateful for your generosity and caring as we reach out to less fortunate friends.