

Posted on: April 22nd, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Join our Trillium community on Wednesdays (April 20 to June 8) from 5 pm to 7:30 pm as we gather for a meal, faith formation, fellowship and contemplative vespers.  All are welcome. Contact the church office for more information.

Welcome Statement

Posted on: April 14th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

On March 27, 2022 we adopted the following Welcome Statement created by our youth and confirmation class.

All are welcome. We understand all of creation to be beloved by God. We believe God’s unconditional love extends to all people, and we strive to embody gender and racial equity. We embrace all those who have ever felt excluded by the Church because of age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ability, economic circumstance, or family status.

As followers of Christ, all members of Trillium Lutheran church are compelled by the Gospel to seek reconciliation and wholeness in a world that is, at times, an unloving place. In response to the overwhelming love of God, we stand in awe of the wideness of God’s mercy. Therefore, rejoicing in God’s abundant grace, we extend a welcome to all. Whether you are two-spirited, gay, straight, queer, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, cisgender, intersex, questioning, gender fluid, asexual, pansexual, or an ally; whatever your country of origin or ancestry; whether you are a believer, a doubter or a seeker; in Christ’s love, we welcome you.

Even so we express an open invitation to all, we recognize that we are on a journey toward solidarity with communities beyond our own. We cannot claim to full understand the experience of others. In particular, we lift up the experiences of Indigenous communities who have been victims of violence at the hands of the colonial state which often deployed Christian institutions to enact assimilationist policies, forced displacement, and genocide. We also validate the wisdom and spiritual experience of faith communities outside of the Christian church. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we co-conspire with those within and beyond our community to usher in God’s kingdom of justice and peace.

We are also taking steps to become designated as a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation.

Holy Week Services

Posted on: April 12th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Please join us in person or via live-stream for our Holy Week Services.

Maundy Thursday Service: April 14, 7 pm in person in the sanctuary & livestreamed

Good Friday Service: April 15, 10:30 am in person in the sanctuary & livestreamed

Easter Sunday Worship: April 17, 10:30 am in person & via livestream

To join livestream worship services go to trillium lutheran church waterloo ontario – YouTube and click on the LIVE NOW button when it appears, usually not more than 5 minutes before the service is scheduled to begin.

Trillium Livestream is back!

Posted on: April 8th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

You can now join Trillium worship services in person or via livestream on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am.

To watch Trillium services on-line go to trillium lutheran church waterloo ontario – YouTube (not before 10:25 am) and wait for the Trillium symbol which will be at the top of the current posted videos. When we go live a new video will appear under the Trillium symbol and then click on LIVE NOW.

Stations of the Cross and Resurrection

Posted on: April 6th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium Lutheran Church will again this year be displaying the art of Mary Button outside at 22 Willow St. on Good Friday, April 15, 2022 from 9 am to 4 pm.

This year’s theme is “Resurrection”.

from Stations of the Cross and Resurrection series by artist Mary Button

More samples of Mary Button’s art and information about the display are available on her website:

SEEKING WISDOM: Holy Week Art Display

Posted on: April 6th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

For more than a decade, each year, each day of Lent, artist Helen Weber creates a piece of art as part of a personal spiritual journey. A few years ago, Helen (a member of Trillium Lutheran Church) looked at Lent through the lens of other traditional spiritual teachings and writings. The art that will be on display in the Fellowship Hall at 22 Willow St. in Waterloo from Monday, April 11 to Friday, April 15 is the result. Doors will be open for visitors Monday to Wednesday from 1 pm to 4:30 pm, on Thursday from 1 pm to 8:30 pm and on Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. All are welcome.

Also on display will be art by Gladys Cormier in the lobby showcase and the art series from the 2021 Good Friday walk, “Pandemic Hope” by artist Mary Button in the lobby & hallways.

Changes to Sunday Worship

Posted on: March 1st, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

In-person worship will resume Sunday, March 6 at 10:30 am. All those attending will be required to be vaccinated and wear masks. For more information contact the church office at 519-886-1880.

Starting March 6 Zoom Sunday worship services will move to 2 pm. The service will be the same as the morning in-person service with slight variations. Please contact the church office at for Zoom link.

We hope you will be able to join us either in person in the morning or on the screen in the afternoon.

Trillium’s Bells Are Ringing For Peace

Posted on: February 25th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium’s bells are ringing again! Our bells are ringing, calling the world to peace and justice after the invasion of Ukraine. The bells invite us to hear God’s cry as many suffer and die.

Healing Lord, may Your light shine in our hearts and the hearts of all so that peace and justice become the blessings known by all people. Amen.

Little Free Library for Kids!

Posted on: January 31st, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Out front at 22 Willow are two Little Free Libraries, one for adults and one exclusively for kids.

Books are especially important to children in this COVID time. The adventures in books can take them on fun journeys and create learning opportunities. Please share this information with all who may benefit. And please know that both Little Libraries are always in need of topping up! Thank you to donors of books! Used books in good repair are warmly welcomed!

Here Pastor Elina, who made a pick up earlier at a Trillium member’s home, is placing some of the donated books in our Little Free Library for kids.