

Posted on: November 24th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium’s Adult Education ministry is pleased to host an information session with Christine Helgerman and Kim Lem from St. John’s Christian Nursery School on Wednesday, November 30 at 6 pm. This session will begin in the Parlour at 22 Willow and will feature a tour of the school facilities which occupy much of the 2nd floor of 22 Willow, so attendees should be prepared to ascend and descend the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Christine Helgerman

Christine, RECE is the Director at St. John’s Christian Nursery School. She graduated from the ECE program at Conestoga College in 1993 and started working at St. John’s in 2002. You will find Christine in the Office at the top of the stairs. When she is not there, she is involved in meetings and committees in the larger Early Learning Child Care Community. Christine is the recipient of Educator of the Year Award in Waterloo Region 2013.

Kim Lem

Kim, RECE (Registered Early Childhood Educator) is the Supervisor of Operations and the Pedagogical Mentor at St. John’s. She is a wonderful resource for our educators and families. She graduated from the ECE program at Conestoga College in 2006. She started at St. John’s in 2014.  In 2017 Kim won the ECE Leadership Award. Kim has a passion for gardening, cooking and educating young children. One of Kim’s goals is to build a stronger sense of community with families and strengthening relationships and connections.

Photo courtesy of St. John’s Christian Nursery School

Handbell Music to Ring in the Season

Posted on: October 27th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

The Christmas and pre-Christmas seasons have long been accompanied by the mellow peal of bells, a sound sorely missed in many community spaces over the past two years when Covid-19 made singing and playing together difficult.

But as we slowly and carefully transition back into live music, bell choirs are making a welcome return. Unlike brass and wind instruments, massed bells can fill large spaces with rich sound, minus the risk of dispersing viral moisture into the air. 

Early in December, Trillium Lutheran Church in Waterloo, along with guest musicians from several other local Lutheran churches, will present a special Advent Lessons and Carols afternoon built around the mellow resonance of handbell harmony.

While based on the Christian tradition of interspersing seasonal Bible readings with special music and hymns, the service will be non-denominational; Trillium welcomes people of all ages, backgrounds and faiths to this free event.

What: Hand Bell Advent Lessons and Carols Service
When: December 4, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Where: Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 Willow Street Waterloo
Who: Trillium Lutheran Church Hand Bell Choir, with guest musicians from St. Luke’s Lutheran, Kitchener; St. Matthews Lutheran, Kitchener; and Trinity Lutheran, New Hamburg.

Grateful and Thankful

Posted on: October 14th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Sunday’s sermon was about thanks and giving. About gratitude being a verb.

We are grateful and thankful for the ministry of music in our congregation. This Sunday the worship band will be sharing their gifts. Join us for worship in person at 10:30 am or by livestream on YouTube.

Blessing of God’s Creatures Great and Small

Posted on: September 28th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

We will share a blessing for pets and animals on Sunday, Oct 2nd. You are invited to bring a photo, drawing, or item that belongs to your beloved four-legged family member. Or perhaps your pet does not have any legs at all, but rather fins and scales.

Kids, bring a picture of your pet or favourite animal to show Pastor Ed during the puppet message!

At this service, we will also lament the many creatures that are now extinct, pray for those creatures that are in danger of becoming extinct, have lost their habitats and food sources, or suffer because of climate change and deforestation. 

Join us for worship Sundays at 10:30 am in person at 22 Willow St. or by livestream on YouTube.

Trillium Generations

Posted on: September 20th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Please consider joining us this Wednesday as we gather for good food and peer fellowship at Trillium Lutheran Church at 22 Willow St, Waterloo.  We will be gathering all ages each Wednesday through the fall. Not sure what to expect?  Contact Nathan at

Welcome Back

Posted on: September 14th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

After a restful summer it is good to have many of our church ministries resuming. The choir was back Sept. 11 and the worship band returns Sept. 18. The Quilting Group and Knitting Circle are meeting again Monday and Thursday mornings respectively. The Wednesday night Generations program resumes on Sept. 21. Contact the church office for more information about any of our programs.

Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 am in person or by livestream on YouTube. All are welcome.

Volunteer Fair!

Posted on: September 7th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

In September, communities host a variety of fairs and so will we. We are planning for a volunteer fair where folks actively involved in our ministries will be present to answer any questions you have. And to encourage you by their own witness! Come, be curious, ask questions, and get excited. Trillium’s Volunteer Fair will be this Sunday, September 11th after worship.

Outdoor Kairos Blanket Exercise

Posted on: July 5th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Now is the time to get signed up for July 27, 2022 Outdoor Kairos Blanket Exercise from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at 22 Willow. This is a unique visual and engaging activity that teaches the story of Settler and Indigenous peoples together on Turtle Island.

Following the Blanket Exercise, youth are invited to stay for an hour long outdoor guitar/uke jam from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm with guest musician, James Wilson. James works with Music of the Spirit at Six Nations.

The entire event will run from 7 pm to 9:30pm at Trillium Church 22 Willow St, Waterloo. Free tickets are available via Eventbrite. This event is family friendly and youth are encouraged to attend. Check out for more details. Rain date will be Thursday July 28, 2022.

Celebrating Community Ministry

Posted on: June 1st, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

The Community Ministry Program sponsored by Calvary Memorial United Church and Trillium Lutheran Church is celebrating 25 years of supporting those in the corners of our society. In recognition of this milestone, you are invited to a casual celebration on Saturday, June 4, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. Come by to celebrate with others by renewing former friendships, enjoying a lite meal, and hearing guest speakers Mark Willcock, Community Engagement Coordinator for Indwell here in Waterloo Region, and John Neufeld, Executive Director of House of Friendship.