Celebrating 20 years of ordained ministry
We were delighted to be able to celebrate with Pastor Elina her 20 years of ordained ministry. We are so thankful for her ministry at Trillium. Congratulations!
We were delighted to be able to celebrate with Pastor Elina her 20 years of ordained ministry. We are so thankful for her ministry at Trillium. Congratulations!
On Sunday, June 4 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm our awesome youth will be washing cars to raise funds to attend the Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth gathering this summer.
To celebrate PRIDE month we painted our front steps. God welcomes all.
The Trillium Hand Bell Choir will be part of worship Sunday, May 14, 2023. Join us at 10:30 am for worship.
Join us Wednesday, April 26 at 6 pm to hear from the Better Business Bureau about the 10 riskiest scams to watch out for this year and what to do
We are resuming all Wednesday Generations programs this week, and will continue with our Wednesday routine until May 31st. Chef Dave will once again be serving dinner at 5:30 pm. At
The 2nd Sunday of Easter is Trillium’s BAND Sunday. Come and worship with us on Sunday, April 16th at 10:30am.
Please join us for the journey through the Holy Week: Maundy Thursday worship at 2pm & 6pm Good Friday worship at 10:30am Easter Sunday breakfast at 9am, & Worship at
We are waving cedar branches this year on Palm Sunday trying to be more responsible stewards of God’s creation. Cedar branches are native to our area. Come join us!
22 Willow Street, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1V5
(519) 886-1880
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