Posts Tagged ‘Trillium Lutheran’

Welcome Back

Posted on: September 14th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

After a restful summer it is good to have many of our church ministries resuming. The choir was back Sept. 11 and the worship band returns Sept. 18. The Quilting Group and Knitting Circle are meeting again Monday and Thursday mornings respectively. The Wednesday night Generations program resumes on Sept. 21. Contact the church office for more information about any of our programs.

Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 am in person or by livestream on YouTube. All are welcome.

SEEKING WISDOM: Holy Week Art Display

Posted on: April 6th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

For more than a decade, each year, each day of Lent, artist Helen Weber creates a piece of art as part of a personal spiritual journey. A few years ago, Helen (a member of Trillium Lutheran Church) looked at Lent through the lens of other traditional spiritual teachings and writings. The art that will be on display in the Fellowship Hall at 22 Willow St. in Waterloo from Monday, April 11 to Friday, April 15 is the result. Doors will be open for visitors Monday to Wednesday from 1 pm to 4:30 pm, on Thursday from 1 pm to 8:30 pm and on Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. All are welcome.

Also on display will be art by Gladys Cormier in the lobby showcase and the art series from the 2021 Good Friday walk, “Pandemic Hope” by artist Mary Button in the lobby & hallways.

Trillium’s Bells Are Ringing For Peace

Posted on: February 25th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium’s bells are ringing again! Our bells are ringing, calling the world to peace and justice after the invasion of Ukraine. The bells invite us to hear God’s cry as many suffer and die.

Healing Lord, may Your light shine in our hearts and the hearts of all so that peace and justice become the blessings known by all people. Amen.

Little Free Library for Kids!

Posted on: January 31st, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Out front at 22 Willow are two Little Free Libraries, one for adults and one exclusively for kids.

Books are especially important to children in this COVID time. The adventures in books can take them on fun journeys and create learning opportunities. Please share this information with all who may benefit. And please know that both Little Libraries are always in need of topping up! Thank you to donors of books! Used books in good repair are warmly welcomed!

Here Pastor Elina, who made a pick up earlier at a Trillium member’s home, is placing some of the donated books in our Little Free Library for kids.

Recent Trillium ZOOM Services Available on YouTube

Posted on: January 20th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Zoom Worship services are also available on our YouTube channel! So if you miss Sunday morning, you can still join us for worship later in the week. Please know there’s some delay in editing before posting to our YouTube channel. Here’s the link for Sunday’s worship on February 27, 2022:

Epiphany Blessing

Posted on: January 6th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Epiphany Blessing of our homes. This inscription may be made with chalk above the entrance: *20 + C+ M+ B + 22* May your home be blessed by God and be a blessing to you this year! May your home be known for peace and joy. Hospitality and safety!

Christmas Eve Service

Posted on: December 23rd, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium’s Christmas Eve Pageant will happen outside at 4:30 pm on Friday! Come with a lawn chair, very warm clothes, maybe an umbrella, and a joyful Christmas spirit! It is going to be awesome! This exciting event will take place at 22 Willow on the hill in front of the Sanctuary between the front doors and the nativity scene.

A later indoor Christmas Eve service at 8:30 pm and a Christmas Day service at 10:30 am will be livestreamed on YouTube and in-person for those who are fully vaccinated and pre-registered.