Wednesday September 11th is the first day of our Footpaths after school program. The program will be followed by a free community meal and youth group. Read more and register your child here.
3:20 Walking School Bus Pick up at Elizabeth Ziegler PS
3:30-4:30 Parent drop off at Trillium for kids from other schools
3:40 Walking School Bus arrives at Trillium
3:30-4:00 Snacks and Large Group Activities
4:00-5:00 Small Group Rotations
Campers share their highs & lows of the week and hear an age-appropriate bible story or learn from a guest teacher. Crafts, games or land-based activities connect to the day’s learning.
5:00 Sacred Space: Campers gather to review the day’s lesson and participate in music and spiritual growth.
5:45 Camper Pick up or stay for the meal
5:45-6:30 Optional free home-cooked meal