Posts Tagged ‘UnLearn’

2nd “unlearn Sunday”

Posted on: September 17th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

This Sunday will be Trillium’s second “unlearn Sunday”. Join us Sunday, Sept. 19 at 10:30am for an abbreviated worship after which guest facilitators from unlearn, a local design-focused equity education organization, will lead us in conversations around diversity, equity, and positive change. Unlearn’s aim is to challenge us to think about our unconscious biases that keep us from being as welcoming as we can be. We believe that God’s plan – in creation and now – is that there is only one family. What we unlearn is the perceived or felt necessity of division.  Please join us as we learn, grow, and explore together. Zoom information available weekdays from the church office. 

Who is learning?

Posted on: June 4th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church
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Get ready for something new!

We are excited to announce our first-ever “unlearn Sunday”.  Pastor Elina will gather us together in prayer on Sunday, June 6th at 10am.  Following this, most of our worship time will be devoted to a discussion with guest facilitators from unlearn, a local design-focused equity education organization. We wanted to include the whole congregation in this opportunity, so we are thrilled to host unlearn guests at our normal Sunday morning time.  Please join us as we learn, grow, and explore together. Zoom information available from church office.