Posts Tagged ‘Lent’

Food4Kids Lenten Project

Posted on: April 5th, 2024 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Thanks to your generosity, Trillium collected 136 cans of soup during Lent in support of Food4Kids Waterloo Region which receives, packages, and distributes 1,000 food packages weekly through donations, and volunteers drive the food to schools and homes.

St. John’s Nursery School also helped to collect over 30 cans of soup and will be delivering the soup to Food4Kids later this week.

Pancake Supper – February 13, 2024

Posted on: February 8th, 2024 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Holy Saviour Anglican has invited Trillium to join them for their Shrove Tuesday pancake supper at WK Mennonite Church. Look for the sign-up sheet at Coffee Hour this Sunday after church or email


Tuesday, February 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


WKUM gym (15 George St., Waterloo)


$8 per person or $25 per family (pay at the door) 

See the original event posting here.

Soup and Speaker Series

Posted on: February 6th, 2024 by Trillium Lutheran Church

The annual “Soup and Speaker Series” returns on February 21. Each Wednesday in Lent, a community meal of soup will be served at a local church with a speaker presentation to follow. The theme is “Spiritual Practices As Self-Care”, and features speakers associated with the Centre for Action and Contemplation, the Canadian Community for Christian Meditation, the Kanata Centre for Worship and Global Song (Martin Luther University College) and pastors and leaders from our local congregations.

Trillium will be hosting the series on Wednesday, February 28. As the host congregation, please come and support the event by attending the soup supper at 6 p.m. which will be followed by devotions and a “Spiritual Practices with Children” presentation by Rebekah Ludolph.

Plan to take part and make this your Lenten practice this year!

Spiritual Practices as Self Care event poster.

Beneath The Surface In Waterloo

Posted on: March 24th, 2023 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Join us at 22 Willow St. on Wednesday, March 29 at 6 pm for a community meal of soup, bread, and water followed by worship with Holden Evening Prayer and a presentation on child care and the needs of young families by St. John’s Christian Nursery School. This will be the last of the Waterloo Anglicans/Lutherans 2023 Lenten Series.

Lenten Weekly Challenge

Posted on: March 3rd, 2023 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Join us in this week’s service challenge! During Lent we are exploring the practices of service, almsgiving, prayer and fasting around the theme of food security. In this video we explore a story for the Hebrew Scriptures that tells us about how God’s people were supposed to live in relation to food while they were wandering in the wilderness. Check back next Wednesday for the next video!

Trillium Lenten Program and Activities

Posted on: February 24th, 2023 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Everyone, young and old, is welcome to participate in the Generations Lenten Program. We are so glad to be journeying through Lent together as a community! 

Check out ⏯ THIS video and ⏯ THESE video instructions to learn more about some of the ways you are invited to journey through Lent with our community.

We look forward to travelling this Lenten journey with you!