Posts Tagged ‘bells’

Trillium’s Bells Are Ringing For Peace

Posted on: February 25th, 2022 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium’s bells are ringing again! Our bells are ringing, calling the world to peace and justice after the invasion of Ukraine. The bells invite us to hear God’s cry as many suffer and die.

Healing Lord, may Your light shine in our hearts and the hearts of all so that peace and justice become the blessings known by all people. Amen.

Bell Ringing to Stop 3 Weeks into Step 3

Posted on: August 5th, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

In April Trillium’s church bells resumed ringing to show support for front-line workers. The bells had previously been rung in the spring and summer of 2020.  On July 16 Ontario entered Step 3 of the re-opening plan.  As we are now in the third week of Step 3, it was felt this would be an appropriate time to stop ringing the bells.  Therefore, Friday, August 6 will be the last time the bells are rung at Trillium for this purpose. 

We would like to thank the front-line workers, our bell ringers, and any neighbours who joined us in showing support for the workers.

Trillium Bells Are Ringing Again!

Posted on: April 21st, 2021 by Trillium Lutheran Church

Trillium Lutheran Church is ringing its church bells at 7:30 pm daily to show support for front-line workers, offer encouragement to the community, and foster peace and unity through this message of solidarity during the third wave of the COVID pandemic.