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Youth Event: Bowling

Kingpin Bowlounge - Bingemans 425 Bingemans Centre Dr, Kitchener, ON, Canada

Join us for bowling! Facilitated by youth leaders Laura Saunderson & Morgan Ellig. This event is for youth of Trillium Lutheran and Holy Saviour Anglican. Please register using this Google Form. We hope to see you there!

Contemplative Service with Taize Songs

Trillium Lutheran Church 22 Willow Street, Waterloo, Canada

Trillium is hosting KW's monthly ecumenical Taize style service on February 23rd at 7pm. It is a time to join together in silence, song, and prayer. All are welcome.

Winter Warm-Up Potluck

Trillium Lutheran Church 22 Willow Street, Waterloo, Canada

Please join us after service on Sunday, March 2nd for a good old-fashioned potluck lunch! There will be a signup sheet outside the church office to let us know who is coming, or you can email the office at If you are not able to bring something for any reason please sign up anyway!

Pancake Supper

Trillium Lutheran Church 22 Willow Street, Waterloo, Canada

Please join us for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4 in the Fellowship Hall. Pancakes will be severed from 5 and 6:45 PM. RSVP to

Ash Wednesday Services and Community Meal

Please join us for a time of contemplation as we begin our lenten journey. 2:00 Choral Service with Imposition of Ashes 5:45 Community Meal 6:30 Intergenerational Worship with Imposition of Ashes

Youth Event: Lock In

Join the youth for an overnight lock in! Pizza will be provided. Facilitated by Laura Saunderson, Morgan Ellig, and Dallas Weber. This event is for youth from Trillium Lutheran, Holy Saviour Anglican, and their friends! Please register using this Google Form. We look forward to seeing you!