A farewell luncheon will be held on Sunday, June 16, 2024 after the worship service. Please plan to join us to send Pastor Elina and Pastor Ed off on their retirement. Pastor Elina’s extended family from overseas will be joining us as well. Food will be provided. While their last Sunday at Trillium is Sunday, June 30, 2024, the official farewell will be the luncheon on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
Starting this Sunday, there will also be an opportunity for people to contribute farewell gifts for Pastor Elina and Pastor Ed if they wish.
Special envelopes will be in the bulletins this Sunday and will also be available in the building. You can also bring a donation into the office during regular business hours or mail it in if you are unable to attend our services. If you do so, please indicate that the funds are for Pastor Elina’s and Pastor Ed’s Retirement.
We look forward to seeing you at the luncheon on Sunday, June 16th!