Now is the time to get signed up for July 27, 2022 Outdoor Kairos Blanket Exercise from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at 22 Willow. This is a unique visual and engaging activity that teaches the story of Settler and Indigenous peoples together on Turtle Island.
Following the Blanket Exercise, youth are invited to stay for an hour long outdoor guitar/uke jam from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm with guest musician, James Wilson. James works with Music of the Spirit at Six Nations.

The entire event will run from 7 pm to 9:30pm at Trillium Church 22 Willow St, Waterloo. Free tickets are available via Eventbrite. This event is family friendly and youth are encouraged to attend. Check out featherandcross.org for more details. Rain date will be Thursday July 28, 2022.